I have not written anything here in a while and for the first time, I have the best reason. I have finally published my first book titled 9:11 and it has been satisfying to see it come to life. The process was trickier than anticipated, but nothing beats the feeling of holding your first book … Continue reading Debut novel by Pinky Manganyi

Debut novel by Pinky Manganyi


I’m lost, Walking on a road paved by lust. I thought this life could be mine, it was a dream. I fitted in, blended, and completed the wrong pieces like a neat seam. But in the early hours, my heart whispered the truth that lust got me lost.


 We discover,  name  and  own  things  which  we  were  given  the  intelligence  to  discover  and  name  by the only  one  who  can  explain the very  basis  of intelligence  itself. Truth is;  we  only  know  what he offers  our  intelligence.  Our  minds  can  only  go  a  limited  distance.  There  are  deeper  truths  and meanings  beyond  our … Continue reading Basics


Father, friend, faithful, He is in all his forms A father to the fatherless A friend to those who befriend him And faithful in all his commitments Never once has he failed to deliver And all on time   Love, lover, loved Unconditionally he loved the world with all its imperfections Gave his to save … Continue reading GOD